Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

WHO : Rokok Membunuh 5 Juta Orang Setiap Tahun

cara menurunkan berat badan yang aman

WHO : Rokok Membunuh 5 Juta Orang Setiap Tahun

Telah terang tembakau bukanlah teman dekat kita. Tubuh Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) dalam pernyataannya, Rabu (09/12/2009), menyebutkan, tiap-tiap tahunnya 5 juta orang wafat akibat rokok. Angka ini selalu jadi tambah apabila pemimpin negara belum miliki tekad membuat perlindungan rakyatnya dari bahaya rokok.


Dalam laporan paling baru tentang pemakaian serta ingindalian tembakau, PBB menyampaikan, nyaris 95 % dari populasi global tak terproteksi oleh Undang-Undang Larangan Rokok. WHO juga mengatakan, kian lebih 600. 000 perokok pasif wafat setiap tahunnya. Laporan itu mengatakan beragam kiat yang dapat di ambil oleh pembuat kebijakan di setiap negara untuk menghimpit jumlah perokok, umpamanya meregulasi produksi, promosi, serta pemasaran rokok dan tingkatkan pajak product rokok.


Beberapa langkah itu termasuk juga dalam enam paket kiat yang di keluarkan WHO th. lantas, namun kurang dari 10 % dari populasi dunia yang terproteksi dari bahaya rokok. Orang-orang perlu aksi lebih, tidak cuma di beri tahu kalau rokok beresiko untuk kesehatan. Mereka perlu implentasi riil dari WHO Frame-work Convention yang dikerjakan oleh pemerintahnya semasing, kata Douglas Bettcher, Direktur WHO Tobacco-Free Initiative. Sekarang ini tembakau yaitu penyebabnya paling utama kematian yang bisa dihindari didunia.


WHO memprediksi apabila ada banyak negara yg tidak mengambil aksi mencolok, 8 miliar orang bakal mati lantaran penyakit-penyakit yang terkait dengan tembakau pada 2030, terlebih masyarakat dari negara berkembang.

Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

This reason Rarely Succeed Low Carbohydrate Diets

green coffee diet

This reason Rarely Succeed Low Carbohydrate Diets
           Fast results with minimal effort. At least that's the motto of those who are on a diet to lose weight. Finally, many of which take an instant way to make it happen, one of them by diving low carbohydrate diet to extremes. What is worse than the suffering that you experience through a strict diet that makes you starve in order to lose weight? Even the suffering you have not stopped there. After successfully lose weight, not long then your weight will rise again. That is what happened to 95% of dieters reduce their carbohydrate intake massively. According to Tufts-New England Medical Center, 21% of people who low-carb diet will fail and stop dieting in the first two months. And almost everyone surveyed gained weight back after they followed a diet with carbohydrate restriction is very strict. Why low-carb diets rarely successful? There are several reasons why low-carb diets do not bring significant results. The first is that carbohydrates are the body's main energy source. If the body is deprived of carbohydrates, the metabolism will slow down. In fact, to maximize fat burning, metabolism of the body should be increased. The second reason is, low-carbohydrate diets can trigger a prolonged hunger. If hunger is unbearable then you will eat larger portions so that weight back up. Worse yet, if the body runs out of fuel from carbohydrates, the body will take it from your muscles. Here, then, a process of muscle catabolism or muscle wasting is used as a substitute for the main fuel has been exhausted. How to cope? Carbohydrates are the main source of calories. To lose weight, calorie intake must be less than calories used. However, that does not mean you do not eat carbs at all. There are several things you can do to ensure the success of the diet and lose weight in a healthy manner. First, make sure that your body gets enough carbohydrate intake. Whatever the method of diet you do, please include carbohydrate foods in your diet. The body still needs carbohydrates as the main energy source. Eat healthy carbohydrates such as brown rice, cereals, and oatmeal that provide more complete nutrition than regular white rice. Also include protein rich foods in your diet to help maintain muscle mass, improves metabolism and body functions. a diet high in protein and fiber is a very convenient way to keep you full longer and effective to help you lose weight. Add weight training and cardio in your routine to maximize fat burning and increase the rate of metabolism. Make your diet routine as a healthy activity that is fun and not as a burden even lower the quality of your life to achieve the ideal body. Well, have a nice diet. (and)